Travel Info

Some useful information for travelling with your baby bump

Travelling to developing countries is generally not recommended
You are more vulnerable during pregnancy, as diseases can pose a more serious threat and vaccines or medications can sometimes be risky for your unborn baby
All the extra blood pumping around your body makes you more attractive to mosquitoes too, which can carry dangerous diseases
Discuss your travel plans with your GP,  and note the medical care available at your destination

Travel insurance is recommended
Check the fine print as some insurance policies do not cover you after 26 weeks
Another reason for Australians to holiday within Australia – Medicare will cover you in an Australian Public Hospital

The Australian Government’s Department of Health information
see Pregnancy Birth Baby  and in particular a section on travelling whilst pregnant
They also have a freecall helpline 1800 882 436 – one to keep handy

The Victorian Government have put together some useful information on Pregnancy and Travel

Travelling by Air
Although research has shown that air travel is not harmful to your baby, you should discuss your plans with your GP or Obstetrician
Most experts advise travelling during the second trimester – this is often the most physically comfortable as well
Airlines may have some requirements for pregnant travel, consult the airline if flying

Access airline information from Virgin Australia Flying While Pregnant

Access airline information from Jetstar Pregnancy and Air Travel